Puppies & Training

Puppies, Puppies
Joy had her 2nd litter in Dec. 24
However, I have more loving homes than I have puppies.
I am planning a litter (or two) in 2025.
I hope to breed Ruby again and Ella for the first time.
When you buy a puppy from me, you don't just "buy" a puppy....you "buy" ME!!!! We become family! Sharing the love of our breed and our passion for them. I am available for any question, advice, council or just to share pictures and your stories about your wonderful dog!!
I'm afraid that I do not maintain a waiting list. It is as much work to qualify someone to be put on a waiting list as it is for an available puppy. Your best bet? Email me with your details, what you are looking for, experience with the breed, lifestyle, home life etc. We can talk and see if there will be something coming up that might work for you.
A note to perspective buyers: When you email an inquiry to a breeder, try to get their attention with your details! Explain why you want a puppy, your experiences with the breed, your lifestyle, SELL YOURSELF and why you'd be a wonderful home! I will honestly tell you that the emails I receive that say "Do you have any puppies? Where are you located? How much are they?" end up in my trash folder. Every single person that has bought one of my puppies in the past, their initial contact "grabbed me"! Words are important!
Regarding Rescue. Don't be shamed into rescue. In most shelters, the majority of the dog are pit bulls or pit mixes. Demand for small dogs is through the roof yet those dogs are rarely in the shelter system. Our shelters are almost empty and the rescues can not import the over a million puppies and dogs annually in from foreign countries as they have been doing extensively in the past. The CDC thank goodness, has banned the import of dogs from over 100 foreign countries due to rabies concerns! Although the "bad guys" are still getting unregulated dogs and puppies into this country.
We need to rely, support and encourage more good US breeders! Not totally unregulated countries to fill our demand for pets..
Perhaps our citizens and politicians will finally realize we do NOT have a dog overpopulation problem in this country anymore and actually begin to encourage good breeders in this country! I suggest that we all contact our elected officials and tell them to stop legislating our breeders out of existence!
As a side note. I think the "doodle" craze is starting to wane. Those mixes are now starting to show up in the shelter system, because the buyers (and breeders) did not explain how high maintenance those coats are. In addition, doodle mixes are not hypo allergenic as most breeders insist, depending on what they are mixed with. That plays a huge factor on shedding. Lastly, when you breed 2 purebreds with diametrically opposed functions, you can easily get dogs whose heads are not screwed on too straight. What is a Bernerdoodle? A mix of a Bernese Mt. Dog which is a cold climate working dog bred to pull carts, herd cattle & guard farms that is a double coated breed that sheds like crazy. Bred to a standard poodle which is a large non-shedding curly coated dog bred to retrieve waterfowl. What could possible go wrong????
There is nothing cuter than a miniature schnauzer puppy. And I don't think any of us have seen an ugly puppy.
That is why you need to be especially careful on who you choose to buy a miniature schnauzer from.
Remember there are ONLY 3 recognized colors in North America. Salt & Pepper/Black & Silver and Solid Black.
Anything else is essentially a mixed breed. More details are on my Toys, Schnoodles & Odd Colors page.
Your puppy will grow into an adult and you want a long-lived, healthy addition to you home. Not a dog that ends up not much looking like a schnauzer with health issues to boot.
Please don't say "But I don't want a show dog, I just want a pet". Think about it, of course you want a pet that is bred to be the best it can be! Bred from healthy, beautiful parents that will produce a miniature schnauzer that will have the looks, personality and traits that drew you to this wonderful breed in the first place!
This puppy will be your show dog! Show him off to friends, family and other dogs owners! A puppy to be proud of for life!
Shop with your brain, not your heart.
The Dog Owner's Guide!
Plan on adding a new puppy or dog to your household? Well, here's a link to one of the best
websites on the web!
The Dog Owner's Guide
I don't think there is one topic regarding dogs that isn't covered in this website.
I would recommend spending a good part of a day reading through this website.
websites on the web!
The Dog Owner's Guide
I don't think there is one topic regarding dogs that isn't covered in this website.
I would recommend spending a good part of a day reading through this website.
Below is a very good article I've read on how to housebreak a puppy!
Housebreaking Your Puppy
A Behavioral Approach: by Gerry Flannigan DVM
Housebreaking a puppy, when done correctly, should take no longer than 7 days. Understanding "when", "where" and "why" a puppy eliminates will avoid potential mistakes. Dogs are creatures of habit therefore a strict schedule will make housebreaking much easier. Just like a child, a puppy should not have the run of the house. Keep the puppy in sight at all times or alternatively in his crate. I see a crate as the doggy equivalent of a child's playpen.
1. Innate Sense of Cleanliness ~ dogs are actually quite clean and prefer not to eliminate in their sleeping area.
- this starts with the dam keeping the puppies' nest clean
- then the breeder keeps the puppy area clean once the dam stops
- you maintain this by crating your puppy when you are not home or can't watch him.
2. Pre-elimination Behavior ~ dogs have a characteristic set of behaviors prior to urinating or defecating. This involves circling and sniffing to find just the right spot.
1. Gastro colic Reflex - defecate 15 minutes following eating.
2. Need to Urinate a) on walking, b) after playing or c) after a heavy chewing session
3. Strong Sense of Smell - stimulated to urinate and defecate by the smell of their own urine or feces.
Strict Schedule
8 to 16 weeks of age ~ 4 times daily
16 weeks to 6 months ~ 3 times daily
6 months up ~ 2 times daily
Leave food down for 15 minutes and then take away. Puppies should be fed at exactly the same time each day especially when trying to housebreak.
Elimination Time
I expect a puppy to hold his bladder overnight and for a maximum of 4 hours a day when in his crate. While out of his crate, you can expect him to hold his bladder for the following:
2 to 3 months of age ~ 2 hours
3 to 4 months of age ~ 3 hours
4 to 6 months of age ~ 4- hours
6 months to a year ~ 6 plus hours
But don't forget the physiology stimulus too!
What DOESN'T Work
1. Don't rub his nose in it - he can make no connection
2. After the Fact punishment is useless and counter productive. If you catch your puppy in the act of eliminating, use a sharp command to close his sphincters and take him directly outside to his assigned spot to finish the process.
3. If you expect to have your puppy eliminate outside do not paper train. Yes! Even a 10 week old puppy can handle cold temperatures for a short period of time. In fact, it might motivate him to get on with it!
Therefore, with this knowledge, a possible housebreaking schedule for an 8 week old puppy would be:
7 am ~ On waking pick the puppy up and take him/her out immediately to a specific spot in the yard on leash or off leash if you have a fenced yard. Ignore the puppy until he urinates, then PRAISE, PRAISE, PRAISE.
Bring the puppy back inside, put his food down for 15 min. and go about your morning business.
Pick the food up after 15 min. and take the puppy outside to defecate as above.
Put the puppy in his crate and go to work.
12 pm ~ Puppy goes directly out to his spot to uriniate (as above)
Bring puppy back in, feed and out again in 15 min. to defecate.
Back into his crate when you go back to work.
5 pm ~ Home from work
Repeat as 12 noon
Keep puppy out of crate but in a room with you to watch for the pre-elimination behavior.
Puppy goes out at 7 pm and 9 pm and either after a heavy play or chew session.
11 pm ~ Feed. Directly after eating or in 15 min. pick up the food bow, take puppy outside to his specific spot to urinate and defecate.
Bring puppy back in and put him in his crate or in your bed overnight.
Adjust the training schedule to fit your lifestyle but do so using knowledge of canine behavior, physiology and utilizing a strict schedule. GOOD LUCK!